Carnival Sponsorship


SKU: AC13SPONSOR Category:


Don Benito PTA is the parent and teacher association for Don Benito Fundamental School, located in the Upper Hastings Ranch neighborhood of Pasadena. Our PTA provides much valued support in the classroom and around the campus. Don Benito ranks among the top performing elementary schools in the Pasadena Unified School District and is well-known across the western San Gabriel Valley. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and most contributions are tax-deductible.

In order to ensure that Autumn Carnival remains accessible to the greatest number of participants, we find it necessary to seek underwriters and contributors to help offset the ever-rising cost of producing a fine event such as this. This is why we ask for your help.

Sponsorship Levels 

The following levels are suggested guidelines for donations or underwriting support for the 14th Annual Don Benito Autumn Carnival. Any amount received is beneficial and wholly appreciated.

Bobcat Kittens $125 

  • Name of Business  on event Website
  • Listed on sponsor signage at event entrance
  • 4 complimentary event tickets

Bobcat Wild $250

  • All of the Kitten benefits, plus
  • Inclusion in social media posts
  • 2 more complimentary event tickets (6)

Bobcat Trackers $500 (limit of 4) 

  • All of the Wild befits, plus
  • A booth at the carnival to promote your business or services to our visitors, display and/or sell products/services.
  • 2 more complimentary event tickets (8)

Bobcat Pride $1000 

  • All of Trackers benefits, plus,
  • Business banner (6×3′ or 5×2′) displayed on Hastings Ranch fence through 2025 – you provide your own banner or reuse last year’s banner. Banners are lit and visible to all visitors to Upper Hastings Ranch Holiday Light Up, as well as all local neighbors and Don Benito families
  • 2 more complimentary event tickets (10)

(Don Benito PTA provides your table and pop-up)

Additional information

Donor Levels

$125, $250, $500, $1000